Minggu, 08 Maret 2009

Solution to bX errors when Uploading or upgrading template in Blogspot

Recently, whenever you try to upload or update or change a template in Blogspot Blogger, you will experience this "bX-bliced" errors. In later stage, the errors becomes all sort of numbers include: "bX-y6cz0v", "bX-8dyqz0", "bX-si9ejx", all sort of varieties. And here comes the solutions:

1. Open the new template XML file in any text editor, preferably WordPad (right click --> Open With --> WordPad).

2. “Ctrl + F” and search for the word "widget id"

3. Replace the "b:widget id='Anything1'" to "b:widget id='Anything 11'" (example "b:widget id='Header1'" to "b:widget id='Header11'"), you can replace the number into any number you want, but must be at least double digit, 1 to 11, 2 to 22, etc... is a good choice.

4. Save the file. And upload the template either upload the xml file or cut and paste as usual.

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